July 13, 2023

Reducing Costs and Accelerating Time-to-Market: The Benefits of Invention Garden’s Product Development Coaching

Benefits of Invention Garden’s Product Development Coaching

In today’s fast-paced and competitive global marketplace, turning a revolutionary idea into a tangible, market-ready product is challenging. Inventors, entrepreneurs, and start-ups often grapple with constraints such as limited resources, complex technical requirements, and a lack of expert guidance. These hurdles can make the product development journey daunting, time-consuming, and expensive. This is where Invention Garden’s unique product development coaching program steps in, transforming the innovation landscape by offering unparalleled benefits in reducing costs and accelerating time-to-market. These two factors – cost efficiency and speed – are crucial in determining the success of any new product. 

Invention Garden’s Coaching Approach 

A robust, detail-oriented expert guidance system is at the heart of Invention Garden’s coaching program. Unlike conventional engineering consultancies that often charge high prices for their full-service consultancy, Invention Garden chooses a different route. They leverage the power of coaching to guide inventors step-by-step toward their ultimate goal – be it a comprehensive development plan, a compelling investor pitch, or a meticulously crafted business plan. 

In terms of cost, the difference is stark: at approximately $3000 to $8000 depending on which program you get in on, Invention Garden’s coaching program is a fraction of the cost of typical agencies, which can start at around $30,000 for a simple initial concept development project. But the reduced-price tag doesn’t mean compromised service. On the contrary, inventors are guided on how to achieve development more cheaply and how to reach the stage of attracting significant investment for full product development or if the product is simple enough, they will be able to go on to manufacture by themselves with lower cost and the knowledge of what to do and how to do it.  

The coaching process is painstakingly tailored to suit each client’s unique needs and status. The program assesses where someone is with their project and takes them through a structured design process each week. This systematic progression ensures continuity and consistency, both of which are essential for the success of any product development endeavor. 

A Holistic Approach: The Seven Key Workflows 

Invention Garden’s coaching program doesn’t just stop at guiding the technical aspects of product development. It takes a holistic approach, focusing on seven key workflows that cover every aspect of bringing a product to market. These are market engagement, marketing, product development, manufacturing, patents, and intellectual property, finance, and company structure (legal, structure, and people). By guiding these crucial areas, Invention Garden empowers inventors to create products that aren’t just technically sound, market-ready, and likely to succeed.  

Many non-professionals focus overly on one or two of these workflows, not realizing why the others are important to cover, only to find out much later in the process, which could cost significantly in time or investment setbacks.  

Reducing Costs: A Critical Factor 

The cost is critical for many inventors, especially those in the start-up phase. The product development lifecycle can be expensive, with every stage from ideation to launch requiring considerable investment. Invention Garden’s coaching program is designed to address this challenge head-on. 

Inventors are provided with tailored advice on cost-effective design and manufacturing practices. This guidance is based on a deep understanding of the product development process, informed by years of industry experience and technical expertise. This level of guidance can significantly cut down on unnecessary expenditure and make the overall process more financially feasible for inventors. 

Furthermore, Invention Garden provides guidance on building an Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy. This crucial aspect of product development can often be overlooked by inventors, potentially leading to expensive and time-consuming legal disputes. By helping inventors understand and navigate the complexities of IP, Invention Garden helps protect their unique innovations and potentially save them from costly legal issues. 

Accelerating Time-to-Market: The Need for Speed 

In the modern global market, speed is paramount. Products that reach the market faster have a significant competitive advantage. Recognizing this, Invention Garden’s coaching program also focuses on accelerating the time-to-market for inventors’ products. 

Depending on the complexity of the product, inventors can potentially approach a manufacturer for quotes after just six weeks of engaging with Invention Garden. This is a remarkable turnaround time given the typically long product development cycles. However, it’s important to note that more complex, multi-part assemblies requiring functionality testing could take longer. Still, even in these cases, Invention Garden’s coaching program significantly reduces the time and cost of any project, making the process more efficient and streamlined. 

Extending Beyond Product Development 

While product development forms the core of Invention Garden’s coaching program, it doesn’t stop there. The program provides a comprehensive support structure that extends well beyond product development. 

For instance, the program provides resources to help inventors connect with potential investors, offers discounted access to crowdfunding sites, and gives advice on building a powerful pitch deck. These resources can be invaluable for inventors looking for funding or investment to take their product to the next level. 

Flexibility: Learning at One’s Own Pace 

One of the critical benefits of Invention Garden’s coaching program is its flexibility. The program is designed with the understanding that every inventor has a unique journey and time commitment. Consequently, it allows participants to work at their own pace. While the most benefit can be derived from moving through the work in the given six-week timeframe, watching recordings in the future provides an opportunity for learning at one’s own pace. 


In a nutshell, Invention Garden’s coaching program is a unique bridge for inventors, connecting the often-gaping chasm between a nascent idea and a market-ready product. By reducing costs and accelerating time-to-market, the program provides expert guidance on product development and fosters an environment where inventors are empowered to innovate efficiently, effectively, and successfully. 

So, if you have a brilliant idea waiting to be turned into a successful product, consider the Invention Garden coaching program. With expert guidance, significant cost reductions, and accelerated development times, it could be the very catalyst you need to turn your concept into a market-ready innovation.